About reservations

Can I leave my luggage before or after check-in?
You can store your luggage even from the morning on the day of check-in. Also, even after check-out, you can stay until 24:00 on the same day, so please feel free to ask the front desk.
What will be the cancellation fee?

7 days before your stay: Free ・6 to 3 days before your stay: 30%
・2 days ago: 50%
・The day before: 80%
・On the day: 100%
A cancellation fee will be charged.
Please note that if the number of guests decreases, there will be no cancellation fee.
A cancellation fee will be charged only if the reservation itself is cancelled.

I would like to surprise them, but is it possible to set up a present in their room in advance?
We will respond as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us by phone when you have decided.

We also have options recommended for surprise customers, so we hope you will consider them as well. Click here for recommended options for surprise customers
I would like to change the check-in time for my reservation.
We will respond as soon as possible. Please contact us by phone at your scheduled time.

Please note that changes may not be possible depending on the reservation status.

Can I make a reservation even if I am a minor?
It is also possible for minors to stay overnight. A consent form filled out by a parent or guardian will be required, so please submit it at check-in.
Click here for consent form

About the hotel system

Is it okay if I check in late?
If you will be delayed for more than 30 minutes, please contact us by phone.
If we do not hear from you within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may cancel your reservation.
Also, please note that even if your check-in is later than your reservation time, we will not be able to change your closing time.
Can one person check in first and join later?
It is possible. When your guests come to the hotel later, please tell them your room number and guest room PIN. There is an intercom with a camera in the room, so please use it as well.
Can I go out?
It is possible. There are no formal procedures required, so please go out whenever you like.
Can I have it delivered or brought in?
It is possible. When ordering for delivery, please state the delivery address as "HOTEL PASELA LIVING ▲ Floor".
Is there a supermarket or convenience store nearby?
There is a supermarket and convenience store within a 1-minute walk.
Please refer to this link.
How many people can stay overnight?

We have rooms that can accommodate up to 8 people.
Our recommended number of people is 2 to 6 people.
For groups of 9 or more, we recommend booking two rooms.
If you would like to reserve two rooms, please make separate reservations.
If you stay in one room, the room may feel small. (Approximately 29 tatami mats per room)
The room has one bed for two people and two bunk beds (four single beds). Two automatically inflating air beds are also permanently installed in the closet of the room.
If you would like an additional set of bedding, please let us know when making your reservation.
We also rent cribs for a number of people.
As the number is limited, we may not be able to provide it depending on the reservation status. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

How many people can go on a day trip?
We have rooms that can accommodate up to 10 people.
Our recommended number of people is 2 to 6 people.
For parties of 7 or more, we recommend booking 2 rooms.
If you would like to reserve two rooms, please make separate reservations.
If you stay in one room, the room may feel small. (Approximately 29 tatami mats per room)

About payment

Can I pay by credit card?
Credit cards that can be used at the hotel are listed below.
Please note that the only payment method is "lump payment".

Handling card companies
  • VISA
  • JCB
  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Master
  • UnionPay
Can I pay with electronic money?
Electronic money (Alipay+, WechatPay, UnionPay QR, PayPay, auPay, Merpay, d payment, Rakuten pay)
You can pay using transportation ICs (Suica, PASMO, etc.).
Do I have to pay in advance? Is it paid later?
Prices are not limited to overnight stays or day trips; both must be paid in advance.
If you would like to use our service as a surprise, we can also discuss payment in advance, so please feel free to contact us by phone.

About rooms and facilities

What is in the refrigerator in your room?
We have soft drinks (1.5L orange juice, 2L tea, 2L water, 2L carbonated water) and ice cream (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, matcha). All are free of charge, so please feel free to enjoy them.
In addition, the refrigerator is equipped with an ice maker, so you can prepare ice.
What kind of plates and cooking utensils do you have?
plates, glasses etc.
  • Fork (large and small)
  • Spoon (large and small)
  • knife
  • bridge
  • Cup
  • hot mug
  • champagne glasses
  • Plate (small, medium, large)

We also have tableware, spoons and forks, mugs, and food cutters for children.

If you don't have enough, please place an order via extension.

  • Frying pan (large and small)
  • stir fry pot
  • Hand pot (large and small)
  • egg bread
  • pot
  • whisk
  • fly returner
  • Ladle
  • tongs
  • IH cooking heater
  • Microwave oven with oven function

For the safety of children, we only lend knives and cutting boards free of charge upon request. If you would like this service, please let us know when making your reservation.

You can also place your order by phone during your stay.

Click here for details

Is it possible to watch DVDs/Blu-rays in my room?
It is possible.
All rooms are equipped with DVD/Blu-ray players and can be watched on a 100-inch screen.

Some content that you have dubbed or recorded yourself may not be able to be played.

what is in the room
Services for children
  • children's toys
  • picture book
  • breastfeeding cushion
  • breastfeeding cape

Room equipment
  • Charger compatible with all models
  • mirroring cable
  • hdmi cable
  • Hairdryer
  • Kurukuru hair dryer
  • 2way iron
  • nano care steamer
  • Washing machine (complete with detergent and laundry net)
  • 100 inch screen
  • Blu-ray compatible DVD deck
  • speaker

  • Makeup Remover
  • face wash
  • lotion
  • emulsion
  • body milk
  • hair milk
  • toothbrush
  • mouthwash
  • hairbrush
  • hair band
  • cotton swab
  • shaving cream
  • razor
  • contact storage solution
  • body towel
  • shampoo
  • rinse
  • Body Soap
  • disposable slippers
  • pajamas
Is there a parking lot
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not have a parking lot available at our hotel.
Please use the nearby coin parking and take advantage of the cashback service for parking fees.
About parking fee cashback service
What kind of contents and services are available in the lobby?
In the lobby on the 1st floor, we have prepared content that you can enjoy for free.
We have an amenity buffet from which you can choose from about 20 types, pillows for rent, pajamas, shampoo and body soap to choose from, and wine. We also offer free bread from 7am to 10am, so feel free to take advantage of it.